Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wikileaks and Lee Harvey Oswald: "One Man Adventures" ?

1963: A "solo" shooter kills President John Kennedy. The same day is prisioned the supposed shooter Lee Harvey Oswald, who 2 days after is killed by Jack Ruby, who is also killed.
Nobody believed the official story.
2010: A "solo" journalist gets a hugue file of secret documents and reveals them to the world through Wikileaks.
"solo" worker at the heart of the intelligence headquarter was the thief who provided the files to Wikileaks.
The same uncredible story: Two "One Man Adventures" which normally may have required a complex operation of many people in highest postitions at the Administration.
In both, a president of the same party is the victim.
In the U.S.A. coups d´etat are not allowed.
Any match is casual.